coal and petroleum class 8 mcq : This is the 20+ mcqs to grow your knowledge. Learn More coal and petroleum class 8 mcq with this in-depth post.
Most Important Questions From coal and petroleum class 8 mcq :
BHC (Benzene hexachloride) is a
(A) weedicide(B) fertiliser
(C) fungicide
(D) pesticides
Answer: (D) pesticides
Before storing, the grains are properly dried in the:
(A) sun(B) air
(C) fan
(D) none of these
Answer:(A) sun
The chemical substances rich in nutrients are called
(A) fertiliser(B) weedicide
(C) pesticides
(D) herbicides
Answer: (A) fertiliser
A combined harvester and thresher is called:
(A) combo(B) combine
(C) harvester-thresher
(D) none of these
Answer:(B) combine
Fossil fuels, coal and petroleum are found in:
(A) ligneous rocks(B) Sedimentary rocks
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) Stones
Answer:(D) Stones
The mineral found in Badampahar mines of Odisha and Kudremukh deposits of Karnataka is:
(A) Iron(B) Manganese
(C) Mica0
(D) Coal
Answer:(B) Manganese
The country which is the largest producer of gold is:
(A) USA(B) India
(C) South Africa
(D) Australia
Answer:(A) USA
India is the largest producer of:
(A) Iron(B) Bauxite
(C) Mica
(D) Coa
Answer:(A) Iron
Most of the minerals of India are found in the :
(A) Chhotanagpur Plateau(B) Himalayas
(C) Northern Plains
(D) Coasts
Answer:(D) Coasts
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